Background: Kellen took the first half of the training to become a certified lifeguard this past weekend. Part of that training involved learning how to save drowning victims. Other people in the class pretended to be the drowning victims. He also learning some basic CPR and first aid.
More Background: Brian was planning a hiking trip for the boys recently and Kellen expressed concern as to whether or not he would be able to save his Dad if anything were to go awry on the trip. He wondered if he would be physically able to lift his Dad and carry him to safety if something terrible were to happened. So Kellen went around for a few days practicing to save his Dad by picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, affirmatively saying, "See, I could save you Dad." Good thing Brian has a sense of humor. And, yes, Brian still weighs over 200lbs.
Very Far Background: When Kellen was in first grade he was the self proclaimed "defender of the playground". He sat atop the monkey bars watching for any bully action that would require the saving of an innocent kid from getting pushed around.
Saving people is something that has always concerned my Kellen.
So now that you're all filled in, here is a conversation I had with Kellen in the truck on the way home from school today.
Kellen: Coughing up a lung because he has some cold and allergy action going on, "Mom, if I go into heart failure, let me tell you how to save me."
Me: Appalled, "Kellen what are you saying? Don't talk like that!"
Kellen: Ignores me,"Pull over, drag me out, check for pulse and breathing, if no breathing is found and no other signs of consciousness, tilt head back, give two rescue breaths, 30 chest pumps, call EMS and continue until they arrive."
Me: "Kellen you may have an unhealthy desire to save people. You need to watch that. Look what happened to Annikan(AKA-Darth Vader).
Kellen:"He became the ruler of the universe!!!!!"

I have to go now. I have some things to pray about.
Still Blessed,