Maren just finished up a really fun yet demanding play. She played Antonio in The Merchant of Venice.
She worked really hard to memorize all of her lines-no easy task since they were all written in Shakespearean English!
Here are a few of her favorite lines.
"The duke cannot deny the course of law for that would impeach the justice of his state among other nations and the trade and profit of the city consisteth of all nations. Therefore go. These griefs and losses have so wasted me, that I shall hardly spare a pound of flesh tomorrow to my bloody creditor. Well, jailor, on. Pray Bassanio come to see me pay his debt, and then I care not." |
"Bassanio, grieve not that I am fallen to this for you, for herein Fortune shows herself more kind than is her custom to let wretched man outlive his wealth, to view with hallow eye and wrinkled brow an age of poverty. Speak me fair in death. Repent not that you shall lose your friend, and he repents not that he pays your debt."
And somehow I got roped into playing a friend of Antonio's named Gratiano. Kind of a silly guy, who talks too much and too loud. Hmmm........
And my favorite line..."Let me play the fool. With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come. Why should a man whose blood is warm within sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster. I tell thee what, Antonio-I love thee, and 'tis my love that speaks. There are a sort of men whose visages do cream and mantle like a standing pond, men of wisdom, gravity, profound conceit, who say, "I am Sir Oracle, and when I ope my lips, let not dog bark!" O my Antonio, I do know these are only reputed wise for saying nothing, when I am very sure if they should speak, would show themslves to be the fools they are. Fish not with this melancholy bait. But what so I know? I'm a fool myself."
Maren and I had a lot of fun! She can't wait until the next one.
Abundantly blessed,