Friday, July 15, 2011

Art Inspired Field Trip

I have been doing a lot of reading this summer. This hefty read inspired me to take my kiddos on a summer fieldtrip. 

In the book, the author walks the reader through the centuries, interpreting the art of each era.  One of the topics discussed in the book is how each generation's worldview comes out in the art of the time in some form or another.  I thought it would be interesting to take a look at some of the art of our time at the Museum of Art in Raleigh. 

 So I dragged the kids along to look at it with me, bribing one by allowing him to bring a "friend".

One I pushed.

The first work of art we observed.

Maybe I'm wrong, but this looks like a beautiful attempt to recreate something already made perfectly by God.  And it is barren and fruitless but striking none the less.  And with that I will refrain from anymore modern art interpretations.

The boys were more interested and maybe even inspired by the art of the ancient world.  Not surprisingly, this was Landon's favorite.

I call this photo, Final Reflection. :)

We had a fun afternoon! 

Beautifully Blessed,


Sunday, June 19, 2011

I Love My Daddy!!!

Poppy-circa 1973

Hi Daddy! Just "called" to say Happy Father's Day! I hope you have a good one. Mama helped me pick out your present. I hope you enjoy it and think of me when you're fixin' stuff with it!

And Daddy, I want to say thank you for teaching me two very important things.

1. How to work hard (taking care of your family, building fences, remodeling a home, helping friends, helping family, fixing tractors, never giving up)

2. How to play (roping, riding, water skiing, trampoline, grandkids,sport shooting, dancing)

There's nothing like your Daddy hugs.  I miss 'em.

When it's been too long since I've called because I'm too busy doing life, I thank you for calling.  It reminds me that I shouldn't get too busy with life to talk to the people I love.

You're the most handsome cowboy I know! 

I love you, Daddy!!!

Paternally Blessed,


Monday, June 6, 2011

Barrel Racing Recap

Maren had a blast running in her very first NBHA barrel race this weekend!!!  Just Maren and I, all by our selves, driving the big rig.  Here's how the day went...

First, she gave her horse a bath, then we loaded him in the trailer.  Maren and I double checked to make sure we had everything before we jumped in the truck. Then I pulled halfway out of the driveway, stopped and started crying, "I don't know if I can do this!!!! WAAAAHHHHH!  WAAAAAH!!!!!  It's too hot today.  I think we should stay home!" 
Maren said, "Stop being a baby Mom!  We don't have time.  I have a barrel race to get to."
When we got to the show, I parked the trailer with no problemo.  Maren saddled up and put her barrel racing equipment on... 

...giraffe print leg protection.  (Thank you Gramma and Grandpa!)

She walked Reno around to get him used to the new surroundings before warming up. 

There was lots of waiting around, which was nice.  It helped me relax.  Maren made friends with girls her age while we rode around.  She ran 2 practice runs before running in 2 classes, Open and Youth.  She and Reno are quite a team.

Due to my heighted sense of consciousness, this is the only picture that I have to show for the 4 runs she made.  The most important thing is that Maren had a blast.  She learned a lot, made some friends, made 4 consistant barrel runs and.... 

.....she picked  up her prize money like a pro.   

That's right!  Lil' girl placed in the money in both of her classes.  Now she's saving up for a giraffe print breast collar.

I forgot how much fun barrel races are.  It's differnt now that I'm the one in the driver's seat but I think I have conquered that fear. 

Cant wait 'til the next one!!!!!!

Beyond Blessed,


Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Remembrance

While living in Europe, we had the oppurtunity to visit the beaches of Normandy, France.  The experience was humbling and amazing.  The American cemetary there is much bigger than I ever imagined.  I thought it appropriate to share some pictures from our trip in remembrance of the many soldiers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.

The Normandy American Cemetery, situated on a cliff overlooking Omaha Beach and the
English Channel just east of St-Laurent-sur-Mer and northwest of Bayeux in Colleville-sur-Mer, France

Statue, "The Spirit of American Youth Rising from the Waves"
Carved on the inner face of the colonnade's lintel is the inscription:



Overlooking Omaha Beach......speechless......


Different day, same trip.  Different memorial, same message.

"Let me not mourn for the men who have died fighting , but rather, let me be glad that such heroes have lived."
General George S. Patton, Soldier's prayer

Abundantly Blessed,


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Landon's Birthday Wish

Landon has a hobby.

He has a passion.

He studies it.

He makes meal plans around it.

He keeps a journal about it.

He has had a serious interest in it for more than a year.

Landon's hobby is fitness.

So, when his 14th birthday rolled around, we knew exactly what he wanted,

because he had been talking about something called a "power rack" for quite a while. 

And that's what he got.

Happy Birthday Landon! 

He can do lots of pull ups on his power rack.

He can do seated rows,

and tricep extentions(Landon told me you don't spell tricep with a T on the end),

and squats on his power rack.

And Landon's power rack makes him very happy.

I think I even heard him say, " birthday present ever!"

Blessed by my offspring,


FYI- I wanted to buy Landon a milk cow for his birthday.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Little Momma!!!

Big sister Phyllis and little sister Cheri, Circa 1964

Look at that cute little girl with strong hips and big heart!!

You still twirl hula hoops and carry babes on your hips better than anyone I know... 

and you lug horseback riding saddles, and laundry baskets on 'em,

 and you shut car doors, cabinet doors and drawer with 'em,

 and you shake 'em faster than the band can play on the dance floor,

 and I know Daddy still watches 'em when you walk ;),

and one hand naturally goes to one or the other of them when you're feeling sassy,

.....or mad,

or one hand on each of them when you're REALLY mad,

and did I mention that I've never seen anyone hula hoop as good as you?

Yeah, I did.

Happy Birthday Momma!!!

I love you!

Maternally Blessed,


Monday, May 2, 2011

Eternal Optimist or Darkside Proponent?

Background:  Kellen took the first half of the training to become a certified lifeguard this past weekend.  Part of that training involved learning how to save drowning victims.  Other people in the class pretended to be the drowning victims.  He also learning some basic CPR and first aid.

More Background:  Brian was planning a hiking trip for the boys recently and Kellen expressed concern as to whether or not he would be able to save his Dad if anything were to go awry on the trip.  He wondered if he would be physically able to lift his Dad and carry him to safety if something terrible were to happened.  So Kellen went around for a few days practicing to save his Dad by picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, affirmatively saying, "See, I could save you Dad."  Good thing Brian has a sense of humor.  And, yes, Brian still weighs over 200lbs. 

Very Far Background:  When Kellen was in first grade he was the self proclaimed "defender of the playground".  He sat atop the monkey bars watching for any bully action that would require the saving of an innocent kid from getting pushed around.

 Saving people is something that has always concerned my Kellen. 

 So now that you're all filled in, here is a conversation I had with Kellen in the truck on the way home from school today.

Kellen: Coughing up a lung because he has some cold and allergy action going on, "Mom, if I go into heart failure, let me tell you how to save me."

Me: Appalled, "Kellen what are you saying?  Don't talk like that!"

Kellen: Ignores me,"Pull over, drag me out, check for pulse and breathing, if no breathing is found and no other signs of consciousness, tilt head back, give two rescue breaths, 30 chest pumps, call EMS and continue until they arrive."

Me: "Kellen you may have an unhealthy desire to save people.  You need to watch that.  Look what happened to Annikan(AKA-Darth Vader).

Kellen:"He became the ruler of the universe!!!!!"

I have to go now.  I have some things to pray about.

Still Blessed,


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

Hangin' on the porch, waiting for the green light

And they're off!!!

Some of these pics are just for my Dad.  He knows why.  This is one of them.

This one too.
Another one for my Daddy.

Back to the hunt

Kellen and Landon decided to put all of their eggs in one basket.  Notice Landon's empty one.  Kellen has all the eggs for both of them.

Of course, I told them that it's not a good idea to put all of your eggs in one basket........They looked at me funny.

"Help me Obiwankinobi.  You're my only hope."
Translation:  "Tell us where the rest of the money eggs are hidden and no one gets hurt!"

One of the four legged spectators of the hunt, Lena.
What a fun day with friends and family!  Had a great lunch with ham, turkey breast, potatoes au gratin, asparagus, cranberry jello, and corn rolls for lunch.  Maren made a delicious carrot cake with cream cheese frosting for dessert.  Everyone enjoyed swimming and sunny skies.  Very relaxing.

Abundantly Blessed,


Friday, April 22, 2011

The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare

Maren just finished up a really fun yet demanding play.  She played Antonio in The Merchant of Venice. 

She worked really hard to memorize all of her lines-no easy task since they were all written in Shakespearean English!

Here are a few of her favorite lines.

"The duke cannot deny the course of law for that would impeach the justice of his state among other nations and the trade and profit of the city consisteth of all nations.  Therefore go.  These griefs and losses have so wasted me, that I shall hardly spare a pound of flesh tomorrow to my bloody creditor.  Well, jailor, on. Pray Bassanio come to see me pay his debt, and then I care not."

"Bassanio, grieve not that I am fallen to this for you, for herein Fortune shows herself more kind than is her custom to let wretched man outlive his wealth, to view with hallow eye and wrinkled brow an age of poverty.  Speak me fair in death.  Repent not that you shall lose your friend, and he repents not that he pays your debt."

And somehow I got roped into playing a friend of Antonio's named Gratiano.  Kind of a silly guy, who talks too much and too loud.  Hmmm........

And my favorite line..."Let me play the fool.  With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come. Why should a man whose blood is warm within sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster.  I tell thee what, Antonio-I love thee, and 'tis my love that speaks.  There are a sort of men whose visages do cream and mantle like a standing pond, men of wisdom, gravity, profound conceit, who say, "I am Sir Oracle, and when I ope my lips, let not dog bark!"  O my Antonio, I do know these are only reputed wise for saying nothing, when I am very sure if they should speak, would show themslves to be the fools they are.  Fish not with this melancholy bait.  But what so I know?  I'm a fool myself."

Maren and I had a lot of fun!  She can't wait until the next one. 

Abundantly blessed,